Coverage for tsfpga/vivado/test/ 100%
29 statements
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1# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Copyright (c) Lukas Vik. All rights reserved.
4# This file is part of the tsfpga project, a project platform for modern FPGA development.
7# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9# Standard libraries
10from pathlib import Path
11from unittest.mock import patch
13# First party libraries
14from tsfpga.vivado.common import get_git_sha_slv, get_vivado_version, run_vivado_tcl
16THIS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
19def test_run_vivado_tcl():
20 vivado_path = THIS_DIR / "vivado.exe"
21 tcl_file = THIS_DIR / "script.tcl"
22 expected_cmd = [
23 str(vivado_path.resolve()),
24 "-mode",
25 "batch",
26 "-notrace",
27 "-source",
28 str(tcl_file.resolve()),
29 ]
31 with patch("tsfpga.vivado.common.Process") as mocked_process:
32 mocked_process.NonZeroExitCode = ValueError
33 assert run_vivado_tcl(vivado_path, tcl_file)
34 mocked_process.assert_called_once_with(args=expected_cmd, cwd=THIS_DIR)
36 with patch("tsfpga.vivado.common.Process") as mocked_process:
37 mocked_process.NonZeroExitCode = ValueError
38 assert run_vivado_tcl(vivado_path, tcl_file, no_log_file=True)
39 mocked_process.assert_called_once_with(
40 args=expected_cmd + ["-nojournal", "-nolog"], cwd=THIS_DIR
41 )
43 with patch("tsfpga.vivado.common.Process") as mocked_process:
44 mocked_process.NonZeroExitCode = ValueError
45 mocked_process.return_value.consume_output.side_effect = ValueError("Non-zero exit code!")
46 assert not run_vivado_tcl(vivado_path, tcl_file, no_log_file=True)
49def test_get_vivado_version():
50 assert (
51 get_vivado_version(vivado_path=Path("/home/lukas/work/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin/vivado"))
52 == "2021.2"
53 )
56def test_get_git_sha_slv():
57 with patch("tsfpga.vivado.common.get_git_sha") as get_git_sha:
58 get_git_sha.return_value = "abcdef0123456789"
59 assert get_git_sha_slv(git_directory=None) == (
60 "10101011110011011110111100000001",
61 "00100011010001010110011110001001",
62 )
64 with patch("tsfpga.vivado.common.get_git_sha") as get_git_sha:
65 get_git_sha.return_value = "00abcdef00123400"
66 assert get_git_sha_slv(git_directory=None) == (
67 "00000000101010111100110111101111",
68 "00000000000100100011010000000000",
69 )