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32 statements
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1# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Copyright (c) Lukas Vik. All rights reserved.
4# This file is part of the tsfpga project, a project platform for modern FPGA development.
7# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9# Standard libraries
10import sys
11from pathlib import Path
12from shutil import copy2, make_archive
13from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
15# Do PYTHONPATH insert() instead of append() to prefer any local repo checkout over any pip install.
16REPO_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.resolve()
17sys.path.insert(0, str(REPO_ROOT))
19# Import before others since it modifies PYTHONPATH. pylint: disable=unused-import
20import tsfpga.examples.example_pythonpath # noqa: F401
22# First party libraries
23from tsfpga.build_project_list import BuildProjectList
24from tsfpga.examples.build_fpga_utils import arguments, generate_register_artifacts, setup_and_run
25from tsfpga.examples.example_env import TSFPGA_EXAMPLES_TEMP_DIR, get_tsfpga_example_modules
26from tsfpga.system_utils import create_directory, delete
29 # First party libraries
30 from tsfpga.vivado.project import VivadoProject
33def main() -> None:
34 """
35 Main function for building FPGA projects. If you are setting up a new build flow from scratch,
36 you probably want to copy and modify this function, and reuse the others.
37 """
38 args = arguments(default_temp_dir=TSFPGA_EXAMPLES_TEMP_DIR)
39 modules = get_tsfpga_example_modules()
40 projects = BuildProjectList(
41 modules=modules,
42 project_filters=args.project_filters,
43 include_netlist_not_top_builds=args.netlist_builds,
44 no_color=args.no_color,
45 )
47 sys.exit(
48 setup_and_run(
49 modules=modules,
50 projects=projects,
51 args=args,
52 collect_artifacts_function=collect_artifacts,
53 )
54 )
57def collect_artifacts(project: "VivadoProject", output_path: Path) -> bool:
58 """
59 Example of a method to collect build artifacts. Will create a zip file with the bitstream,
60 hardware definition (.xsa) and register documentation.
62 Arguments:
63 project: Project object that has been built, and who's artifacts shall now be collected.
64 output_path: Path to the build output. Artifact zip will be placed here as well.
66 Return:
67 True if everything went well.
68 """
69 version = "0.0.0"
70 release_dir = create_directory(output_path / f"{}-{version}", empty=True)
71 print(f"Creating release in {release_dir.resolve()}.zip")
73 generate_register_artifacts(modules=project.modules, output_path=release_dir / "registers")
74 copy2(output_path / f"{}.bit", release_dir)
75 copy2(output_path / f"{}.bin", release_dir)
76 if (output_path / f"{}.xsa").exists():
77 copy2(output_path / f"{}.xsa", release_dir)
79 make_archive(str(release_dir), "zip", release_dir)
81 # Remove folder so that only zip remains
82 delete(release_dir)
84 return True
87if __name__ == "__main__":
88 main()