Simulation flow

tsfpga makes HDL simulation easier, faster and more scalable by

  1. Automatically detecting and adding sources, testbenches and IP cores.

  2. Automatically compiling and version controlling Vivado simulation libraries.

  3. Automatically compiling and version controlling IP cores.

  4. Providing a convenient way to set up local test configurations.

  5. Providing a way to simulate only git changes and their dependencies.

  6. Making sure that generated register code is up-to-date before each simulation.

A Python script based on tsfpga replaces any Makefile, simulator “DO file”, GUI clicking, or other legacy system for simulation. It is perfect for Continuous Integration (CI) as well as test-driven development on your desktop.

Actual compilation and test execution is done by VUnit and your simulator (ghdl or commercial). tsfpga can be seen as a layer on top of VUnit that helps manage the inputs to the simulation project.

Minimal example

If the source code is roughly organized along the folder structure, running simulations using tsfpga and VUnit is as simple as:

Minimal file.
from pathlib import Path
from tsfpga.module import get_modules
from vunit import VUnit

vunit_proj = VUnit.from_argv()

for module in get_modules(modules_folder=Path("path/to/my/modules")):
    vunit_library = vunit_proj.add_library(module.library_name)
    for hdl_file in module.get_simulation_files():


The call to get_modules() creates module objects from the directory structure of the folders listed in the argument. The library name is deduced from the name of each module folder. Source files, packages and testbenches are collected from a few standard locations within the module folder.


If you use a different folder structure within the modules than what is currently supported by tsfpga, feel free to create issue or a pull request..

The module.get_simulation_files() call returns a list of files (HdlFile objects) that are to be included in the simulation project. This includes source files and packages as well as test files. If you use register code generation, the call will generate a new VHDL package so that you are always simulating with an up-to-date register definition.

Even this little example is not truly minimal. The call to module.setup_vunit() does nothing in default setup, but is used to set up local configuration of test cases later.

Realistic example

If you want to dive into a more realistic example have a look at tsfpga/examples/ in the repo. Or continue reading this document for an explanation of the mechanisms.

The example simulation script linked above handles things like

  • Only a subset of sources available when using a non-commercial simulator

  • Compile Vivado simlib and Vivado IP cores

  • Adding hdl-modules as modules that shall be compiled, but who’s tests shall not be run.

Local configuration of test cases

Running test cases in a few different configurations via generics is a common design pattern. This can be achieved in tsfpga by creating a file module_<name>.py file in the root of the module folder.

Say for example that we want to set some generics for a FIFO testbench, located in a module called fifo, which is located under modules. We would create the file modules/fifo/, and fill it with something like this.

Example that sets up local configuration of test cases.
from tsfpga.module import BaseModule

class Module(BaseModule):
    def setup_vunit(self, vunit_proj, **kwargs):
        tb = vunit_proj.library(self.library_name).test_bench("tb_fifo")
        for width in [8, 24]:
            for depth in [16, 1024]:
                name = f"width_{width}.depth_{depth}"
                tb.add_config(name=name, generics=dict(width=width, depth=depth))

This will result in the tests


The example above creates a class Module that inherits from BaseModule. In this class we override the setup_vunit() method (which does nothing in the super class) to set up our simulation configurations. The get_modules() call used in our will recognize that this module has a Python file to set up it’s own class. When creating module objects the function will then use the user-specified class for this module. Later in when setup_vunit() is run, the code in our class above will be run.


Note that the class must be called exactly Module.

There is also a kwargs argument available in the setup_vunit() signature which can be used to send arbitrary parameters from to the module. This can be used for example to point out the location of test data. Or maybe select some test mode with a parameter to our This is pure Python so we can get as fancy as we want to.

Vivado simulation libraries

Compiled Vivado simulation libraries (unisim, xpm, etc.) are often needed in the simulation project. The VivadoSimlib class provides an easy interface for handling simlib.

There are different implementations depending on the simulator currently in use. The implementation for commercial simulators will compile simlib by calling Vivado with a TCL script containing a compile_simlib ... call. For GHDL the implementation contains hard coded ghdl compile calls of the needed files. The compilation with GHDL is very fast (5 seconds), but for commercial simulators it is very slow (10 minutes).

All implementations are interface compatible with the VivadoSimlibCommon class. They will only do a recompile when necessary (new Vivado version, new simulator version, etc.).

Adding simlib to a simulation project using this class is achieved by simply doing:

Adding simlib to the simulation project in
from tsfpga.vivado.simlib import VivadoSimlib


vivado_simlib = VivadoSimlib.init(output_path=temp_dir, vunit_proj=vunit_proj)

Versioning of simlib artifacts

Compiling simlib takes quite a while for the commercial simulators. It might not be convenient to recompile on each workstation and in each CI run. Instead storing compiled simlib in, e.g., Artifactory or on a network drive is a good idea.

In we can query compile_is_needed and artifact_name to see if simlib will be compiled and with what version tag. If compile is needed, i.e. compiled simlib does not exist, they could instead be fetched from a server somewhere. The from_archive and to_archive methods are useful for this.

Simulating with Vivado IP cores

The VivadoIpCores class handles the IP cores that shall be included in a simulation project. From the list of modules it will create a Vivado project with all the IP cores. This project shall then be used to generate the simulation models for the IP cores, which shall then be added to the simulation project.


The folder structure must be followed for this to work.

Adding IP cores to a simulation project can be done like this:

Adding Vivado IP cores to a simulation project in
from tsfpga.vivado.ip_cores import VivadoIpCores
from vunit.vivado.vivado import create_compile_order_file, add_from_compile_order_file


vivado_ip_cores = VivadoIpCores(
    modules=modules, output_path=temp_dir, part_name="xc7z020clg400-1"
vivado_project_created = vivado_ip_cores.create_vivado_project_if_needed()

if vivado_project_created:
    # If the IP core Vivado project has been (re)created we need to create
    # a new compile order file

    vunit_obj=vunit_proj, compile_order_file=vivado_ip_cores.compile_order_file

Note that we use functions from VUnit to handle parts of this. The create_compile_order_file() function will run a TCL script on the project that generates simulation models and saves a compile order to file. The add_from_compile_order_file() function will then add the files in said compile order to the VUnit project.

Simulating a subset based on git history

When the number of tests available in a project starts to grow, it becomes interesting to simulate only what has changed. This saves a lot of time, both in CI as well as when developing on your desktop.

There is a tool in tsfpga called GitSimulationSubset which helps find a minimal subset of testbenches that shall be compiled and run based on the git history. A testbench shall be compiled and executed if

  1. the testbench itself has changed, or if

  2. any of the VHDL files the testbench depends on have changed.

Whether or not a file has changed is determined based on git information, by comparing the local branch and working tree with a reference branch. The reference would be origin/main most of the time. The subset of tests returned by the class can then be used as the test_pattern argument when setting up your VUnit project.

This tools is used in tsfpga CI to make sure that for pull requests only the minimal set of tests is run. This saves an immense amount of CI time, especially for commits that do not alter any VHDL code. For nightly main runs the full set of tests shall still be run.

See the class documentation for more information, and tsfpga/examples/ in the repo for a usage example.